This week we have been training for cross country which is on this Thursday. The 3-6s have been looking at the first fleet and the first people which is the aboriginals.
by Clyde
In the past few days the 3-6's have learnt a new game called salute. In history the 3-6's have been talking about Captain Cook and his voyage from England to Australia to claim the land. In the k-2 class they have been making fives out of sand for Artaminaby. In science the k-2's have been looking at living things. On the seed farm Jack and Clyde have been fencing for Luke. I think we should have a career day so we can learn what your parents job is and how they do there job.
By Luke and Kianna On Friday last week me and my best friend Meg went to Cooma North Public School to practice a dance for School Spectacular. When we got there we had to learn the dance so we had to get taught by two girls Amilia and Deanna. They where really good teachers. After they finished teaching us we ran through the dance with ten other girls. Overall that day was really fun and I can't wait to go back on Tuesday to make the audition tape.
written by Tabitha Clarke |
AuthorAdaminaby Students all contribute to this blog about their learning Archives
March 2016
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