News...Athletics CarnivalRivers Carnival - Thursday 18th May 2017 at Numeralla
Music LessonsMusic lessons with Gil starting in Term 2, 2017.
Our surprise visitor
Manly Selective High School Band Visit
We were very privileged to host a concert at our school last week, performed by high school students from Manly Selective High School. The talented students performed for just over an hour and also explained about some of their instruments and gave our students opportunities to join in. In return we provided the students and staff with a wood fired pizza lunch. We fed over 80 people for lunch, and the comments from our Manly visitors were very positive - “Best food we have eaten in the week we have been away”.
Class Dojo - ready to revamp Adaminaby Achievers
We love our Adaminaby Achievers program, but we have something in store to help make our program even better! Next term we will be awarding Adaminaby Achievers via a system called Class Dojo. We will be able to tailor the rewards so that students can clearly see what they are being given positive feedback for and we will be able to have discussions with students about what behaviours are important to their learning, to their well being and to their role as a school member. You can watch the student introduction clip via the link on the student's page.
This will be a fun, interactive way, to breath some fresh life into our Achiever program, while still maintaining our level certificates and Adaminaby Achiever shop. We can't wait to get it into action next term!
This will be a fun, interactive way, to breath some fresh life into our Achiever program, while still maintaining our level certificates and Adaminaby Achiever shop. We can't wait to get it into action next term!
Jack Heading to Regional Cross Country
It was a great day in Nimmitabel for the District Cross Country last Thursday. All our participants put in an awesome effort and took on Heartbreak Hill with style. One of our students needs a special mention, as he put in an extra special performance. Jack came 3rd in his age group and will be going on to the regional Cross Country Carnival in Nowra to compete later in the year.
Congratulations Jack! |
Dreamtime art with special visitors
As part of our History and Visual Arts learning, JD and Andrew came to visit us this week. They had a look at our dreamtime art and also did some activities with us. They even stayed for lunch!
Swimming carnival success
The Rivers carnival was great fun, with evryone particpating and lots of us heading home with ribbons galore. We even had 2 age champions - Tabitha and Kianna. Well done everyone.
Luca Lou visit
To enhance our learning in our History unit, where we are looking at family histories and how we grow and change, we had a special visitor this week. Uncle Dom was very proud to introduce his baby niece Luca to us and her Mum, Kat, was happy to answer all of our questions.
Welcome to Mrs Baff
With our growing numbers we have been able to welcome Mrs Baff as a classroom teacher this year, to join with Ms Salvestro and Mr Bogatek. Mrs Baff has been teaching in our local region for many years and comes to us with much talent and expertise.
Our teaching team will share the K-6 students over the week and you can see a detailed list of the timetable on the parents page of the website, although in a quick summary:
Ms Salvestro will be in the classroom Mondays - Wednesdays, in the office on Thursdays and working with teachers around the Monaro on Fridays.
Mr Bogatek will be in the classroom Tuesdays - Fridays
Mrs Baff will be in the classroom Monday - Thursday, and working with teachers around the Monaro on Fridays.
Looks like this is going to be a great year!
Our teaching team will share the K-6 students over the week and you can see a detailed list of the timetable on the parents page of the website, although in a quick summary:
Ms Salvestro will be in the classroom Mondays - Wednesdays, in the office on Thursdays and working with teachers around the Monaro on Fridays.
Mr Bogatek will be in the classroom Tuesdays - Fridays
Mrs Baff will be in the classroom Monday - Thursday, and working with teachers around the Monaro on Fridays.
Looks like this is going to be a great year!
Archived news...
Geography Excursion
Our term 3 excursion is a great learning opportunity to address geography outcomes. Check out the students page to find out more!
Mars, Jupiter and Venus come together over Earth...
We are studying Earth's Place in Space this term and here's a story that students may find interesting....
I'll be heading outside this week to have a look! Click on the image below for more information
I'll be heading outside this week to have a look! Click on the image below for more information